BS-VI Honda Activa 125 TVC shoot begins as launch nears Honda Motorcycle and Scooter India’s brand ambassador and Bollywood actor Akshay Kumar has posted a photograph revealing that the TVC of the upcoming Activa 125 BS-VI is being shot. His wife, Twinkle Khanna, an author, newspaper columnist, a film producer and a former Bollywood actress, will also feature in the commercial. The BS-VI compliant Honda Activa was unveiled in June, while its launch is scheduled to take place towards the end of the second quarter of FY2019-20 (September). This will be the first BS-VI compliant product from the HMSI. The new Honda Activa 125 uses 26 new patent applications. The BS-VI compliant model uses PGM-FI Honda Eco Technology (HET) along with the Honda Enhanced Smart Power (eSP). The power and torque output figures are yet to be announced but we do not expect to see a massive change in the numbers. For reference, the BS-IV compliant model that is currently sold in th...
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